Friday 29 August 2014

Road To Paradise

In The Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

There are millions of web sites on the internet. Several of them are immoral and pornographic sites. That are destroying the morality of people, including Muslims. To combat this requires a Platform which tells the use of the Internet can be optimized and Be guided on the right lines.
Thank God He gave me the strength that I could start this good job. I'll try my level best to add Duas and azkars from Quran-o-Hadith. With the fazal of Allah and your co-operation this blog could be unique (in sha Allah).

What is the right way?

Remember one thing a light move of  finger could take you in the ocean of sins. And a light move can take you to the right way of Quran-o- Sunnah, and make you Walk to Paradise. I suggest you to spend some of your precious time in the name of Allah, Who has blessed you with uncountable delights. I'll try to add things which will enhance our faith. (in sha Allah). This Blog is free of politics and sectarianism and its purpose is only awareness of the Quran and Hadith. Muhammad (peace be upon him) had said, "I'm leaving two things, 1- Book of Allah (Quran), 2- my sunnah, you can not mislead till you keep following these."

Accuracy of Faith

For a non-muslim to become (convert) a muslim or a muslim to be a true muslim have to say "La ilaha ill'Allah" and must follow the requirement of it. It means "There is no-one is worthy of worship except Allah" All kind of worship should be for Allah only. He created us, He created skies and earth, and everything between skies and earth. The purpose of all this is that we worship Allah and follow the teachings of His book revealed. Unfortunately, today people have created various gods, some are worshiping living gods and some are worshiping dead ones. Some people are waiting for stars to rotate around and some are going to bow some living frauds (peer, faqeer) for help to bring happiness and ease to their lives. While see what Allah says, "Whenever you bow, whenever you need something, ask only Allah, there is no-one who can dispel sorrows and worries from you, But only Allah. The persons to whom you call except Allah, who are dead and are in the graves, they can't even do anything for themselves what will they help you? But today countless people are surrounded by strays and destroying their lives hereafter. Find out your fate by stars, and through hands-knowledge to know what is going to happen in the next life, all are forms of polytheism. Visiting astrologers and shrines and asking them for kids, asking sons, seeking sustenance but Allah says in Holy Quran "Provision comes from the heights of the heavens, you thank to Me, ask from Me, come to Me, and Bow only to Me, I'll give you all what you even never desired".

The Reality of The World

The greatest blessing for a human is accuracy of faith and to find out the correct path to walk to paradise. The human Who has started walking on the right path, world's problems, challenges, luxury are very usual for him. He comes to know the real goal of the world. Allah Himself said, "We have Created this temporary life to see, which of you is the best doer". But the human who has forgotten the hereafter in love of this temporary world, who thinks there is no life after this life, who thinks he auto-born in this world , and who thinks he is commanding this world at his own without help and command of Allah, he is a loser for sure.


This world is place for doing good and bads. This world is kind of an examination hall for humans. We have to answer whatever we are doing here. The human who will do good deeds,  who will not follow polytheism, lie, deceit and would avoid adultery. He who will follow the orders of Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him), Allah has created a paradise for him where, there is no death ever, he won't become old, and won't face any difficulty. he will enjoy beautiful palaces, canals of milk and honey there, and will get those blessings as-well from Allah what he can't imagine in this world.

Major Sin is Polytheism

Whoever thinks there is someone else got the qualities like Allah, and he can do what only Allah can do, and in the same condition dies without repentance, lived his life in sins, he who didn't protect his prayers and conduct, neglected the rights of Allah and the rights of humans, Allah has created burning coals of hell for him. Hell where thousand years like a day. Where food will be zaqqum tree and drink will be pus and boiling water. He shall cry. O Allah, I wish I would have considered You and Your messenger's (peace be upon him) message. If I find life again I'll not sin again.

Who Will Survive Hereafter

Allah has given us this life, for one time only. Some could live few years and Some could live 100s years, but everyone has to die. We can avoid might rulers by recommendations, cleverness and bribe. But hereafter there will no bribe, no recommendations, no friends, no brothers or sisters, or any other relation will work.
If anything will work, that will be good deeds which would be done in this very world. May Allah strengthen us to prepare for hereafter life, Amen.

Seeking Your Prayers,
Nasir Butt.

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